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UDC 791.45:007
Postgraduate Student at the Department of Marketing,
Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
19, Kyotostr., Kyiv, 02156, Ukraine 

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Background. The development of the market for movie demonstrators, as evidenced by the increase in the box office over the last three years in Ukraine, as well as the increase in the number of cinemas and halls, necessitates a scientific study of the specifics of the promotion of this field.
Analysis of recent research and publications has shown that the scientists have developed the basic concepts of the concept of promotion, the relationship with the enterprise communication policy, summarized the components of this process and its classification, considered practical examples of promotion in various fields –from tourism to public admi­nistration. The business sphere determines the specifics of the concept of promotion, and the high rate of technological aspect development makes the process of research of this category continuous, manifesting itself every year in different ways. Therefore, this topic needs to be developed in the context of exploring contemporary cinema chains.
The aim of the article is to analyze the system of cinema promotion to understand the general trends of the market of cinema demonstrators’ networks, to identify inefficient and outdated instruments, to find new promotion opportunities to determine the overall marketing strategy of the cinema network. 
Materials and methods. The methods of scientific analysis and synthesis, theoretical generalization and comparison were used in the research process.
Results. A comparative analysis of the concept of "promotion" is carried out; its interpretation is considered by various domestic and foreign scientists. The statistical indi­cators for the definition of the cinema network market in Ukraine are presented. On the basis of analytical material the definition of the concept of "promotion of the cinema network" was developed. Promotion methods, using by cinema networks and its classification are discussed. The main trends in communications have been identified and assumptions have been made about the future prospects for the promotion of cinema networks.
Conclusion. Having considered the praxiological methods of promotion of cinema, it is determined that they contain a combination of classical instruments of communication policy, and also support modern general trends to large-scale representation in the Internet. Previous studies of scientists, the scientific interests of which included promoting to other industries, and communications areas of business of cinema chains have not been con­sidered in full, while in Ukraine over the past 10 years, the cinemas have undergone many changes and are now rebuilding their popularity and the attention of consumers in the general field of entertainment. This determines the prospects of further study of the cinemas promotion, their theoretical description and search of the best channels of communication and promotion policy in general, which will be the foundation for developing a successful marketing strategy for the cinema chain.

Keywords: promotion, cinema communication strategy, social media communi­cations, cinema network, cinema chains market.


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